18 April 2012


Okay, so I normally try to keep my posts politics-free, but right now I'm "watching" Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)

...if you so desire.

I quoted the 'watching' as I stopped really listening to it a while ago (it's 2 hours and 40 something minutes!  I'm a multi-tasker.  I don't have that kind of attention-span.  LOLOL  I like my oxymorons...)  I also stopped listening because I started becoming wary of the topic at hand.  (Very well-rounded criticism I can give now. LOLOL)  

I actually liked the beginning of the video, esp. the intro part about the kid playing a game with grandma and the neurological science used to ascertain how humans change according to their environment (more than how genes affect humans).  And then....it started digging itself into a hole, and I started fading out.

It's very informative of one way of thinking about how a society should live and work.
Right now, it seems more like a 'perfect' society that works in theory, not necessarily in real life.
(...isn't Communism a little like that?...)

I need to do more research....

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