18 April 2012

Drama Queen

Today was baby A's 6-month check-up.  Along with check-ups come vaccinations.  And taking temperatures through the tush.  And getting weighed.
Now, baby A's never cared for their way of taking temps, but she has dealt with it okay.
Today, maybe she just needed more sleep last night, but she freaked out during temp-time.  Then got mad when laid on the scale.  She wiggled so much that we couldn't get an accurate read until she calmed down a little.  She was pretty much only consoled as long as I held her.
Anytime I put her down, anywhere, she would instantly start screaming.
The shots were obviously the biggest deal.
After I got her dressed to leave, I took off my sweatshirt, and she started crying more.  I just hope she didn't think it was my time for shots... :-(
Poor thing...
She took a couple good naps later today, thank goodness.

Life is amazing after a nap.  :-)
(Not so much queen drama!)

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