10 April 2012


So I had my first cloth diapering meet up.
I heart gDiapers!
My dear friend M and her little baby A (same name as my baby A! just spelled differently, and about 4 months younger) have decided to give cloth diapering a go.
Now, I'm no expert in cloth diapering.  I'm learning as we're going.  And every day is a new learning experience.  :-)
BUT, so far, I love it.
Every family has diapers that work best for them (and it could possibly be disposables!).  I am under the firm belief that cloth diapers work best when you have the style that fits your family best.  GDiapers fit our family amazingly.  (I believe I've raved about them before, so I won't go on.  But if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask!)
Dear M was very curious about cloth diapers in general and more specifically in gDiapers (when I showed baby A's to her).  I sent her home with our entire stash of small gDiapers as well as a couple other styles baby A has grown out of (always best to experiment!).
Here's to dear M and family finding what works best for them!

My camera still doesn't work, so this isn't my baby A-but still a cute pic!

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