28 April 2012

Blast From The Past (Update)

It's amazing what you can find on the internet!
I was browsing through a blog: PRÊT À VOYAGER
When I stumbled across this post about this amazing project.
At the bottom of the post (if you're looking at it!) there is a picture of four little women.
I am currently searching to see if that picture was taken in the mountains of northern Vietnam, because I have totally seen the two women on the left before!!
I'm not going to cry if it's not true and I'm just hallucinating (LOL), but I will be super stoked if it's true!
I will update here for sure!

Yes, I can almost conclude that those four women were from Vietnam.
This site does not say what part of Vietnam, but their dress and the background indicate the northern mountain tribes.
Yay!  Close enough.


  1. Yes, we just confirmed on twitter that it's from north Vietnam!

  2. It was near Sapa according to @GoSeeWrite
