04 November 2010

Not-So-Genius Mixes

Until about a year ago, I was not much of a fan of iTunes, or anything Apple-related--much to my younger sister's dismay.  I did give a try a few times, but hated relearning all the key codes that have taken me a couple generations to learn.  However, after living so far from Western civilization, iTunes, and everything Apple, have become my life-source, so to speak--well, not strictly speaking at all, really.  But I am most definitely am in love.    &>  

I do still have one peeve with iTunes though (besides not being compatible with WMA and protected WMA not being able to transfer to MP3...).  I do not understand how they determine what should go in a Genius mix.  I understand that basic music categories are quite broad.  However, I have a bit of a hard time listening to a good mix of The Decemberists, Robert Francis, Coldplay, etc., and then randomly hear Mozart or Britney Spears.  Mozart, I can almost understand, almost.  But, Britney Spears?  Huh.

When I first discovered this peeve, I had found Jonathan Clay mixed in with Madonna and Rihanna.  I thought, then, that it was a glitch.  I don't call myself an expert with music selection or iTunes for that matter.  I imagine there must be some key word or code somewhere in the music artists file that labels them as something similar.  I still have yet to figure out what it is though...

Until I can figure this out, or how to fix it, I'll have to be okay with spending extra time (like any crazy-working person) making my own mixes or deal with mixed levels of tempo.  lol  How lazy can I be or not be?

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