On my long ride to church yesterday, a nanny/aunt/mother (?) and young girl sat in the seat in front of me on the bus. The girl was tiny--about the size of what I would think of a 1 year old--but most likely around 2-3. She had an incredible vocabulary, and desperately wanted to use it on me. I would have loved to talk with the girl, except, I still can't understand much of the language here. This frustrated the girl a little, but she kept trying to communicate, settling for gestures and playing with objects, like the book I had been reading. She had a plastic bracelet that she fiddled with, wanting me to play a pulling game with her. At one point the nanny/aunt/mother playfully put the girl's incredibly short hair up with the soft bracelet. I was admittedly a little shocked that a girl had so short of hair in a place where long hair is deemed beautiful. However, I thought the cut fit her personality well. Beyond her playfulness and confidence, what I loved most about this child was when she sang. For about the last full 10 minutes they were on the bus, the girl sang an amazing rendition of ...some song. I had obviously never heard the song before, nor did I understand the words, but her sweet, clear voice filled the bus. The silence that filled the bus after she got off was incredible; I think we all missed her instantly.
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