Everybody has that little something. That quirk. That thing you inherited and will never go away. No matter how many times you have lived with them through über embarrassing moments and think you have learned how to control it, or at least make sure it won't embarrass you in the future. It always does.
My little something is my sinuses. Thanks Dad. :-) It's not that having sinus issues is the worst thing in the world. I could have terrible allergies or migraines or brittle bones or webbed fingers. Sinus issues aren't even very noticeable. Until you get sick, and the sinuses start draining. And draining. And draining. (Sometimes you don't even have to get sick first.) For two weeks. They don't stop. Which means the cough doesn't stop, because there's constantly something blocking your means of air to breathe. And that draining feeling you feel....uhck.
Sinus problems are not even that embarrassing in public. Until they're very embarrassing. Like today. When I'm sitting at my favorite Italian cafe, eating an amazing foccacce. And. Suddenly I can't breathe. I'm not choking on the focacce, my sinuses have been running for so long that they decided to pool up right about now.
Fortunately, the super sweet waitress brought me a glass of way too warm water and then pretended to ignore me. It also helped that there were no other customers besides....what seemed to be the owner and a potential new business partner.... :-D
Well, at least the warm water did the trick. :-)
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