06 February 2012

1st Museum Tour

Yay! for free first Sundays at the Hunter Museum!
Mom and I took baby A there for her first introduction to the world of art.
Oh believe you me, there will be many more :-)
Already a people watcher, she was in heaven (as long as we kept moving).
Not to mention all the 'pictures' to look at (she tended to like the more colorful ones, of course).
She just chilled in the swing, gnawing on either one of her hands or the swing (slobber everywhere!).
She was so content that one of the curators was fascinated by her, saying she was the most well-behaved baby she'd ever seen.
I'd like to invite her to my house around nap time--or anywhere around nap time.
Need of sleep can make a child not-so-content.
But, yes, I was so super proud of how well she did in a museum setting.
I'd like to hope that that behavior will stick.

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