28 January 2012

Sign Language

So, we've been using a few signs with baby A throughout the day, in correlation with the given task/action.  We know that cognitively, she's not supposed to really understand what we're doing until about 4 months, and not be physically able to respond the hand gestures until about 6-9 months.

However, in the past couple of weeks, baby A has started showing signs that she kinda knew what was going on with some of the hand signals.  Earlier this week, I started testing her on these, and it really seemed like she was responding like she did know what I was trying to say.  I did feel like an idiot, thinking that she really understood, and that maybe it was all just coincidence (and still do!).  But seriously, I swear her smiles/non-smiles were based on understanding.

And then today came.

We were heading out to take a walk with some friends.  Baby A started fussing and seemed very adamant that something was wrong.  I laid her down and sign/asked if her diaper was dirty (one of the signs we'd been working on a lot).  Seeming frustrated she threw her hands out and kicked, and then brought one hand back in and made what really looked like the sign for 'dirty'.  I kinda freaked out for a second, cause I was pretty sure I was seeing things.  But I checked her diaper, just in case, and it was wet.

(note: we use cloth diapers, not so easy to tell if they're wet by just feeing the outside of the pants/diaper)

But, dude!

Of course I feel a bit insane for thinking she really made a hand sign.
We will definitely be trying again (next time she may have a dirty diaper) to see if she's really picked up on it.


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