12 February 2011

korean airlines

this is the first time i've taken ke (why it's not 'ka', i don't know) and i was incredibly pleased.  they thought of everything! almost, of course--but everything from the single cup holder (so you don't have to put down your tray every time you have a drink) to the reclining chair that pushes the seat forward (not just leans the backrest back) is amazing.  my only complaint was that every time they had a meal, they would wake me up to lean my chair up and then assume that i would be eating.  (my last american airlines flight was the same, except it was the sweet vn boy sitting next to me that kept waking me up to eat) i would have preferred to sleep...but i have a hard time turning food away from foreigners (or look like i'm trying to be anorexic) for cultural reasons.

the best part-not only did each seat have it's own personal tv, but you could start any show/movie anytime you wanted--not wait for the next showing to begin.  :-)  you could also pause them as well, if you needed to get up or take a nap-so you wouldn't miss a thing.  :-D

they also gave each person (in the longer leg of the flight) a pair of slippers to wear and a toothbrush&toothpaste!

definitely excited to take them again on my return flight!

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