12 February 2011

int'l licenses...

I understand that TV stations have to have special licenses in order to show their online videos in countries outside of the States.  I'm sure it is harder to obtain some licenses more than others.  I also am not sure as to if one int'l license insures access to all other nations, or if each nation has it's own licensing regulations.  Whatever the case, I'm mostly baffled at the fact that (though, considering my current location, I guess censoring world news could be a protocol) I cannot access videos from BBC, CNN, FOX, NBC, HGTV (?? I'd assume they would have int'l license(s) since they have international shows), etc--but! I can watch shows off Comedy Central?  lol I can't complain, though :-)  I have always been quite fond of the Colbert Report and The Daily Show.  However, what baffles me even more, now--is that, as of 3 weeks ago, I could still watch all shows on Comedy Central, but now, it seems the Colbert Report and The Daily Show are now off the list--but, I can still watch South Park.  Now, my cynical side would like to thank the local gov't for still having some sense of humor.  However, the greater rest of me that likes hearing what's going on in the world in a classier style of humor is incredibly sad.  I say this, as, there are some things, though I am never fully sure what, that are completely out of the website owner's control.  

So, Jon, Colbert.  Until next time... (a.k.a. when I move next/visit a democratic country)

Oh! Oh! Quick rebuttal! Just read some comments on Comedy Central and found out that several countries (all democratic-wait, except one lol) are also having issues viewing these lifeline shows as of recently.  Do they need to renew their int'l license??  Maybe the 'quirk' will get fixed soon????????

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