12 January 2011

kitten little

day 3 of new kitten--starting 4th night

bella mia is an adorable orange and white sherbet-looking kitten--about 4 months :-)

(no camera, remember? so, you're going to have to trust me on this one)

'the sweetest thing ever' (in a grandma's voice)   lol

terribly cuddly (wayyyyy more so than chica)

terribly purry (wayyyyy more so than chica)

terribly not litter trained yet.... (def. unlike chica)

and i think may be a bit sick....not good....throws up, runny stool, lack of appetite (at first i thought it was stress of a new environment and jealous older cat)....but, ahh....it hasn't gotten much better-almost worse, actually

had to spoon feed (force feed) her milk tonight.  tried some fishy, wet cat food (she didn't let the more solid mass enter between her teeth)

poor thing.

scrawny.  weak.

i hope i have enough time to wean her back to life before holiday/recruitment project

i'm just praying that i don't end up seeing any worms....

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