02 December 2011

Just In...

Knock, knock

Me: 'Hi'
College Guy: 'Are your mom or dad at home?'
Me: 'Excuse me?'
College Guy: 'Are your mom or dad at home?'
Me: 'Well, this is my sister's house...'
College Guy: 'Are you old enough to vote?'

...blink, blink...

Me: 'Yes'


and then...

College Guy: 'You must be friendly and non-dangerous.  Are you friendly and non-dangerous?'
Me: 'Most of the time.'  (as my 2yr old niece is poking her head around my legs to see)

I'm sure these must have been protocol questions LOL, but wow.
I knew I looked young (i'm guessing high school age? ...)...and dangerous :-D

Being 10+ years out of high school, I'll take it as a complement...and entertainment.

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