25 October 2011

New Adventures

It's been a while since I've written...
This is mostly due to the craziness of this year--a good crazy.

In brief: I moved back to the States, am learning about life with my love, and have added a third little one to our equation: Arya.  She was born October 10.  I'll post pictures soon--we're still getting our formal announcement together :-)  She's such a cute bundle of joy, and a little hog when it comes to feeding time, which is any time she isn't passed out. LOL

I have a second blog I started about my experience being pregnant in another country.
I'll keep this blog up for a while.  I got sidetracked from that blog as well because of the end of the school year and move back to the States.  I will go back and fill in details.  Feel free to track that blog as well.

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