12 June 2012

Sleep Talking

Baby A talks in her sleep, just like daddy!

07 June 2012


This is something I never, ever want to be cynical about: but I simply can Not understand how breastfeeding women have a hard time losing baby weight.  I am quite aware that every body functions differently.  What I don't understand is why my body seems to be on maximum speed, as well as baby A's.  At 8 months, I have already dropped back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and have to fight to make it higher.  I have to eat so much that I get bored and tired of eating.  
Now, on the flip side, I have to fight from considerably loving the fact that I can fit into my old clothes already.  So part of me doesn't really care, until 15 minutes after nursing or Any light exercise when my stomach feels so hungry that it might start eating itself.
As soon as I hit 'publish', I'm heading to get a 2nd serving (after eating a bowl of lo mein/stir-fry and a small plate of pizza).  Yes, I'm still starving.  (There may possibly be a 3rd serving as well!)


...to sitting like a big girl in the stroller!

The jogger still looks like it swallows her alive (we tried once before, right when she was starting to sit up on her own).  :-)  She'll grow into it.
We met up with baby R and mommy at the park today.  Baby R is a few weeks older and has also graduated to sitting forward.  When we took the babies out to play, they got super excited to see each other.  It was so cute!  I doubt they actually recognized each other, as the last time we were able to hang out was almost two months ago.  I love how babies love other babies.  "Hey, you're my size!"

2nd Tooth

It hasn't hatched, yet, but you can see it!!
Attitude-wise, she hasn't been deathly cranky, like last time when we were on vacation.
What she has been, is clingy.  I left her for an hour and a half with my mom, and came back to nonstop tears and begging to be nursed.
I won't deny that it's a nice feeling to be wanted.  But, omg.